Friday, September 15, 2006

No sleep till Brooklyn

I'm now comfortably ensconced in Bert's West Village apartment after a hellacious afternoon and evening of travel yesterday--wherein I had first one flight and then another cancelled out from under me and a third flight delayed, and wherein I got very good at saying, "I'm sorry, but a flight tomorrow morning is NOT ACCEPTABLE"--in preparation for a fabulous wedding tomorrow in Brooklyn.

Here's what I've been promised: academics, novelists, journalists, famous feminist scholars, Chilean émigrés, midwestern Irish Catholics, and a few Marine Corps and Navy officers, to boot. Yes, that's right: it's Dr. Fun's wedding, and whether it rains or whether it doesn't, I can't imagine a more combustible or more enjoyable combination of guests.

George Washington Boyfriend arrives in a few hours and tonight we'll transfer our lodgings to Lulu and Mr. Lulu's enormous financial district spread. But in the meanwhile, I have a haircut, some shopping, and some serious catching up to do. Back in a few days.


Hilaire said...

Oh my gosh - *what* a great weekend. Have fun!

Anonymous said...

Props to my Beastie homies! Have a wonderful time!

Anonymous said...

That sounds like tons of fun - have a great time!!

Ianqui said...

Hey. Let me know if you're interested in getting coffee tomorrow (Sunday) sometime--ianqui AT gmail DOT com. But I know, weddings can be all-consuming, so if not, have a great weekend in NYC!

Oso Raro said...

At least you didn't have to take Amtrak. That would have been the absolute worst. You would have been better crawling on your hands and knees. But alas, you made it in one piece, so that remains a hypothetical. Enjoy your boda de locas, and kiss a Marine for me :-P

Mmmm, Marines...

Flavia said...

Hee! Oso, I did in fact kiss all the military officers, and although I regret to say that the Marine (and the only person in uniform) was female, the Navy and Air Force officers were both male and, as Bert would say family. Which I don't mean in any biological or genealogical sense.