Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Lazy, hazy, &c.

I haven't been doing much since sending off my book manuscript. I should be working on my scholarly edition--but I failed to transfer the digital images of the text I'm transcribing from my desktop to my laptop. And I should be working on my syllabi, but the one that needs the most work requires access to books in my campus office. And I myself am in Cosimolandia: I've been here for five weeks, and I need to remain here a while longer to get a final appointment with the vet who's been treating one of my cats. (Long story, but he'll be fine.)

So with no easy or sensible way to retrieve the necessary items until the week before classes start--and knowing that I'd be plunged into course-prep mania during that week regardless of what I did now--I decided to enjoy the intervening 15 or 16 days. I've been working my way through the bag of books I brought with me, most of which qualify in some vague way as scholarly or intellectual, but none of which are relevant to my own projects. I've been catching up on back issues of The New Yorker and the LRB, hanging out with my cats and with Cosimo, going to the gym, watching the final seasons of The Wire on DVD, and periodically going out to a baseball game, a movie, or a museum.

It's pretty nice, I gotta say. And when I return home, Cosimo comes with me: he's on sabbatical in the fall and will be spending it in Cha-Cha City. So although this summertime indolence can't last much longer, the domestic pleasures will, I imagine, continue.


Sisyphus said...


The Cog approves.

What Now? said...

In other words, you're having a real summer break! Well done, and I hope that you are renewed as you enter the new school year.

medieval woman said...

That's so nice! I'm glad that the domestic bliss has been and will continue to be until 2011! Hope you've been having fun in Cosimolandia - we haven't really been back since we all met up there last year for The Event.

Good that you're taking a break after deploying the book MS - and congrats to your beau on the sabbatical!

RLB said...

ah, sounds lovely! am jealous. :)

Dr. Mon said...

Wonderful to hear you had a good break before the semester starts. I hope you continue to enjoy your time with Cosimo in the fall!

How'd you like The Wire?

Flavia said...

Mon: love The Wire--can't believe it took me this long to discover it! You?