Yay on the two kitten household! And you are totally following the rules of kitten integration, which I admire. I failed miserably at this, so it's a good thing my little boy-cats loved one another immediately. (Though one might argue that their love was so strong that it forced me not to keep them separate as is recommended.)
On the subject, I'm trying to persuade our cats (I married into cats) to sit in a darling farmers' market basket that my friend gave me, but it is a Failure. They will not be as adorable as I wish. Alas.
Ooh, baby Basement Cats! I hope Schwartz turns out better than my B.C. Well, I'm quite fond of B.C., but neither Sir John nor the rest of the household seems to share my feelings, which probably indicates what sort of infernal creature I am.
Welcome, Schwartz! Of course they are demonic, but they are also furry and soft and nuzzly and cute. With claws and pointy ears and tail. And bouts of terror. And sweet purrs. A delightful discordia concors. Which is why we love them, no?
And yes, yes: those are both pseudonyms.
It's good that your new cat is a German. German and feline adds up to very, very clean.
And the pics are very cute.
Soooooo cute! Yeah for kittens!!
OMG! Kitten!! Black kitten!!!
I am partial to black kittens. Good job, Flavia! Congrats on the newest cuteness!
Yay on the two kitten household! And you are totally following the rules of kitten integration, which I admire. I failed miserably at this, so it's a good thing my little boy-cats loved one another immediately. (Though one might argue that their love was so strong that it forced me not to keep them separate as is recommended.)
He's so teeeeny! Cute! Squee!
Oh, the cuteness! I hope that your expanded family is very, very happy together.
Way, way awesome nuevo fluffball...
I hear that sometimes your health insurance won't cover preexisting cats.
Oh! The! Cuteness!
On the subject, I'm trying to persuade our cats (I married into cats) to sit in a darling farmers' market basket that my friend gave me, but it is a Failure. They will not be as adorable as I wish. Alas.
Ooh, baby Basement Cats! I hope Schwartz turns out better than my B.C. Well, I'm quite fond of B.C., but neither Sir John nor the rest of the household seems to share my feelings, which probably indicates what sort of infernal creature I am.
Itteh bitteh kitteh! Squeee!
Oh, my. Too adorable. And not , in the final analysis, all that demonic.
OMG! Cute, cute, cute! Love me a tiny black kitten!
Welcome, Schwartz! Of course they are demonic, but they are also furry and soft and nuzzly and cute. With claws and pointy ears and tail. And bouts of terror. And sweet purrs. A delightful discordia concors. Which is why we love them, no?
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