Sunday, January 21, 2007

One thing you didn't know about Flavia (not quite a meme)

I love--totally, totally love--war literature. All genres, all periods. War movies, too, whether they involve the battlefield or the homefront.

And this semester I'm teaching a course that involves nothing but war literature (and which I've given this title).

Damn. I'm such a boy.


kfluff said...

I love it! I often include the incredibly craptastic Mel Gibson film "The Patriot" because it is such a naked piece of ideology. No way could I keep that up for an entire semester.

You're a woman of mystery...

RageyOne said...

Seems like an appropriate title to me.

Horace said...

Ooohh, I hope you're teaching Tamburlaine which is my favorite war play of all time!

phd me said...

I love war literature -- and movies and poetry and paintings and artifacts and locations. The Imperial War Museum is one of my favorite places in London. One of my best units when I was teaching high school was the one I created on WWI (All Quiet on the Western Front, clips from movies, poetry by Owen and Sassoon). When I was about 12, the family vacation was a tour of Civil War battlefields (I couldn't have been happier). I've always wondered what this says about me...

Anonymous said...

ooo and Britton's War Requiem? and Chris Hedges' book _War is a force that gives us meaning_?!

Anonymous said...

Whereas I hate it -- what with war being hell and all -- except when it comes to the Civil War, when I get all excited. Although even then I prefer the homefront stuff to the actual battlefield descriptions.

Enjoy your class!

Tenured Radical said...


Pat Barker's WWI trilogy? Faboo. Also Doctorow's recent The March, on Sherman's march through Georgia.

have fun, girl,


Unknown said...

Hey - this sounds like a great class! Teaching any Elaine Scarry?

Enjoy (*bang! bang!*)

The Constructivist said...

even Heinlein, Haldeman, Card and other sf war lit?

Flavia said...

Damn, you guys--these are all such good suggestions!

Unfortunately, the class isn't about war literature in the way that I'd like it to be; rather, that's the organizing principle for my section of what is, actually, our sophomore-level, intro-to-the-major course. So we're reading great stuff, but rather less of it than I would otherwise assign.

Maybe some year in the future, though.

Elizabeth said...

chiming in late, here, but i too love war movies (maybe not so much with the literature); i.e., i have man-type tastes and am a lady. i also like ranch dressing!

Ancrene Wiseass said...

Right there with you!

Another Damned Medievalist said...

So I hope you're teaching ... The Iliad, The Peloponnesian Wars, Lysistrata, maybe The Persians, The Gallic Wars, a little Josephus?, Roland, Henry V, Richard III, Cymbeline, OH! and a bunch of Napoleonic war stuff ... or maybe bits of Thackeray (Barry Lyndon and Vanity Fair, Maybe even War and Peace, and Simplicissimus ... and then lots of WWI poets???